Tours and Masterclasses

Introduction to the guest house and the history of Lchashen without a guide or with a brief presentation by the guide
The guest house presents ancient Lchashenian (pre-Urartian) and Urartian culture, there is a virtual museum where Lchashenian finds are displayed: 3500-year-old gold jewelry, bronze figurines.
1 person: 500 drams
for those who do not use other services.
0 drams
for guest house and restaurant customers.

Scuba diving in different parts of the lake and at different depths.
Packages include initial training/instruction for completely inexperienced people, provision of necessary equipment, photo of participant underwater._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad_ 5cf58d_ It is possible choose according to interests: underwater springs, sunken ships at different times, underwater caves, photo fishing, lake bottom cleaning works.
20,000 dramsthe person
for beginners who will dive up to 4 m.
AMD 40,000 per person
For diving 9 m and more, in which case experience and a certain skill are mandatory.

Tour of Lchasheno: 9 km (by foot, bike or truck)
Visiting Historical and cultural places from our days to 5000 years ago: Museum of the Soviet and pre-Soviet period in the house of one of the villagers, a Christian church built on the foundation of a pagan temple, a cuneiform inscription of Argishti 1, a Bronze Age burial ground, a 5-thousand-year-old Cyclopean fortress.
Cost of group participation:
up to 10 people10,000 drams,
more than 1015,000 drams.
+ 5,000 dramsfor the whole group if the tour is by truck,
+ 5,000 dramsthe rental of each bike

Introduction to the Cyclopean Castle of Lchashen through binoculars
The 5000-year-old castle is being restored in 3D virtual telescope
1 person: 500 drams

Trekking to Tsornasar accompanied by our guide
2222 m altitude, the foot is 2 km from the guest house, from the top you can see Lake Sevan, the cities of Sevan and Hrazdan, the surrounding villages
10,000 drams

Organization of multi-day expeditions
Hiking around Lake Sevan, or in the direction of Lchashen - Mount Hatis, with routes developed and verified by us. The price includes three meals on the way.
15,000 AMD/person
And only the overnight stay in tents
AMD 5,000/person
Master classes

Carpeting, tapestry, needlework
The list can be changed depending on the presence of the master
Participation of one person: 1000 drams

Participation in the excavations of the ancient site/ restoration of the found object/ cuneiform studies/ anthropology
Actual excavations in the presence of a scientific team in the community
5000 drams
person/each component
1000 drams
1 person for school trips

Painting on various subjects, spinning wool, milking cows, song, dance, rituals
The list can be changed depending on the presence of the master
Participation of one person: 1000 drams

Tony's barbecue
Cost includes all-you-can-eat barbecue
20,000 AMD
Up to 7 people
+2000 drams
More than 7 per person

Toner lamb whole
The price includes the whole lamb, it is intended for 20-25 people, advance notice is required.
120,000 drams/group

Preparation of baklava
The price includes 15 pieces of baklava
20,000 drams/group

A master class on baking baklava with gatha/dry ingredients
The price includes 1 kg of gatha or 10 pieces of baklava and introduction to the history of Lchashen
10,000 drams/group

"Ishtikuni" - fish dish master class
The price includes the prepared dish, introduction to the history of Lchashen.
10,000 drams/group

"Etiuni" - beef and bulgur dish master class
The price includes the prepared dish, introduction to the history of Lchashen.
15,000 drams/group

Educational/excursion packages for schoolchildren 1
1. Introduction to the history and culture of Lchashen
2. Watching a film about the lake building excavations
3. experience as per prior selection
(excavation in the excavation site,
excavation restoration, clay/stone painting, cuneiform deciphering cuneiform, anthropology based on lake skeletons, pottery, etc.
4. One-time catering
Participation cost
Student - 3000 drams
Parent - 2000 drams
Headmaster/teacher - Free

Special corporate holiday packages for up to 30 people
high-class concert program with the participation of distinguished and master performers.
piano, violin, saxophone, duduk, kaon, kmancha, tar, singers
an immortal feast: with a royal menu.
hot dish "Ishtikuni" from "Etiuni" only (can be replaced with another dish if desired)
salads: "Erebuni", "Lchashen"
Refreshing drinks
dessert, tea or coffee
one glass of fine wine (receptive)
transformation into a royal outfit from the exclusive collection of the "Teryan" cultural center,
learning of national dances and rituals related to the given day.
Package price for corporate application isAMD 9,900/person.

Educational/excursion packages for school children 2
1. Introduction to the history and culture of Lchashen
2. Watching a film about the lake building excavations
3. Experience as per prior selection
(excavation in the excavation site,
excavation restoration, clay/stone painting, cuneiform decipherment, anthropology based on lake skeletons, pottery, etc.
Participation cost
Pupil -15:0000 drams
parent -1:000 drams
Headmaster/teacher - Free
Pictures from Campaigns

Additional services

Camping equipment rental
Complete camping equipment is provided for groups of up to 12 people: quality tents and sleeping bags, backpacks, poles and other necessary equipment.
5000 drams

Organization of ancient wedding or other ritual celebrations
Intended for groups of up to 30 people, Can be two-day: preparation day (master classes) and party day
Party meal cost per person:It is 13500-15000 drams, which does not include alcoholic beverages, except for 1 glass of wine.
Orva Photo-video shooting:
40,000 dramsfor the whole group.

Return transportation from Yerevan:
2000 AMD /person:
Photo studio
Our dear guests in Urartian outfits